Job's Nursery and Pumpkin Patch LLC

Helping Tri-City Gardeners Grow Since 1940!

Job's Nursery LLC is a family owned nursery and tree farm that offers a wide selection of outdoor plants that are hardy for our area. We are located just north of Pasco on Columbia River Road.  It's a short trip to a beautiful location to escape the hustle and bustle of your everyday life.

 Planting Rates for Trees and Spot Planting of Shrubs are figured based on site conditions and distance to get there. We have the Planting Questionnaire to be filled out so we can build a quote for you.

The rates are based on site conditions and travel distance. Here are the base levels, though certain circumstances will be quoted.

❏ 100% of the cost of the tree or trees if the tree or trees are valued below 200.00, it is going in the drip line or in the same spot as a tree that was removed in the last 5 years, an SVA tree, hedge or shrubs.

❏ 80% of the cost of the tree or trees if the tree or trees value is above 250, it is not going in the drip line or in the same spot as a tree that was removed in the last 5 years, not an SVA tree, shrub, or a hedge.

We have a minimum planting charge of $200, so if the tree or plant material is below 200, planting is 200.

If the distance of travel is outside 30 minutes a distance fee based on the delivery rates to that area will need to be added.

For trees/shrubs that are going where a tree was recently removed, we typically do a 15-minute or less site visit to make the site is ready for new plant material and will advise if additional site prep is needed. A site visit is not intended for yard advice or yard consults, so if the site visit lasts longer than 15 minutes, charges of $105 per hour will be billed if longer than 15 minutes.

Planting Rates For Hedges and Landscape Beds
For landscape beds or hedges (like Arborvitae), we would like to work on a quote based on site conditions and the services needed.

Remember you are responsible for clearing cars, projects, garden structures, fences, dog poop, debris, and other portable obstacles before we come so we can install the tree without delay.