Job's Nursery and Pumpkin Patch LLC

Helping Tri-City Gardeners Grow Since 1940!

Job's Nursery LLC is a family owned nursery and tree farm that offers a wide selection of outdoor plants that are hardy for our area. We are located just north of Pasco on Columbia River Road.  It's a short trip to a beautiful location to escape the hustle and bustle of your everyday life.

 Tips for Drip

Drip systems are a great way to water plants in a landscape bed, they are water efficient and help keep weeds down by only watering where the plants are. Here are some tips for drip systems to keep things happy and healthy.

For a drip system to work great make sure of the following:
-The system has enough filtration 150 mesh/ 100 micron for most emitters.
-The drip zone has its own filter at the valve on top of the main irrigation system’s filter.
-Pressure is not too high, most emitters are designed for 20 to 50psi. If it is too high install a pressure regulator.
-The drip lines are not too long for the emitters needed for plants.
-Use 2 emitters per ornamental grass, perennial, shrub, and small trees (less than 15 ft mature size).
-Use more than 2 emitters for larger growing shrubs and trees.
-Have drip systems be their own zone, they need to run longer than most lawn zone due to put out enough water.
-Walk thru your drip system and check how the emitters are working routinely.
-Keep the 1/2 inch drip tube to lengths shorter than 100 feet.
-Have your filters easy to access at the valve box.
-Have drip tube and drip lines above the landscape cloth but under mulch for easy repairs.

How often should a drip system run?
-50˚F or less once a month for evergreens, check every two months for deciduous plants. 
-50 to 70˚F twice a week, when foliage is on deciduous trees and shrubs.
-70 to 85˚F twice a week
-85 to 95˚F three times a week
-Above 95˚F four times a week

Add one extra water interval per windy day over 85 degrees F with winds over 20 miles per hour.